Rules and dealing of Blackjack cards

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Among the popular card games played in online casino Around the world, besides baccarat, I think there is also blackjack. This is the one that has been popular as the top, possibly with a method of playing that requires tactics. But it’s not so difficult as poker. Today I bring you good information that can be called the basics of playing blackjack that everyone must have, especially newbies. But what’s up let’s go see.

Rules and dealing of Blackjack cards

For Blackjack, the cards are dealt separately from the method of play UFABET. The process of dealing cards will have the following rules.

  1. The dealer deals 1 card to each player and the dealer gets the last card. Then start dealing the 2nd card, both cards received are always face down.
  2. Players can summon an unlimited number of additional cards by circulating in the same way as dealing cards. But calling cards will have a condition that the first 2 cards must add up to less than 21 points, and after calling, if the total points exceed 21 points, it will be considered losing immediately as well.
  3. The dealer will call at least 17 points. If the player has less than 17 points, the banker loses. But if the dealer does not reveal 21 points, they will continue to play, not counting as the end of the game.
  4. If the points between the player and the banker are tied Players can take back their bets.